9 de janeiro de 2011


Dentre os vários tweets feitos pelo Coletivo Verde, um vídeo me chamo a atenção. O cantor Jack Johnsohn compos uma musica com o nome "The 3R's". A letra da música e o vídeo estão logo abaixo...

The 3 R's
Three, it's a magic number
Yes it is, it's a magic number

Because two times three is six
And the eighteenth letter in the alphabet is
We got three R's
We're gonna talk about today
We got learn to

Reduce, Re-use Recycle (4x)

If you're going to the market to buy some juice
You gotta bring your own bags
And you learn to reduce your waste
We gotta learn to reduce

And if your brothers or your sisters
Got some cool clothes
You can try them on
Before you buy some over those
We gotta learn to re-use

And if the first two R's don't work out
And if you gotta make some trash
Well don't do it all
We gotta learn to recicle

Because three, it's a magic number
Yes it is, it's a magic...

three (4x)
three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen
eighteen, twenty one, twenty four, twenty seven
thirty, thirty three, thirty six
thirty three, thirty, twenty seven
twenty four, twenty one, eighteen
fifteen, twelve, nine, six and
it's a magic number

three times six is eighteen

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